Snowflake Native App

Snowflake Native App

Snowflake Native Apps are accessible through Snowflake Marketplace, where you can explore and purchase them. You can  try a full-featured trial version, and once you decide to buy, the app is instantly accessible in your Snowflake account.

What sets these apps apart is that they run directly within Snowflake user accounts, eliminating many security and privacy concerns. This means that Snowflake customers can access and use these apps without having to move or expose their data to external sources.

In practical terms, Snowflake Native Apps open up new opportunities for developers to create innovative solutions and services that can be seamlessly integrated with Snowflake's data platform. These apps can be discovered and installed by thousands of Snowflake customers, potentially leading to new revenue streams for developers and enhancing the overall Snowflake ecosystem.

In essence, Snowflake Native App Framework enable a more secure, collaborative, and streamlined approach to working with data within the Snowflake platform, benefiting both providers and Snowflake customers.