Snowflake Cost Management Platform

Snowflake Cost Management Platform

The first step in controlling your data cloud costs is having better visibility of them. Using a cost management platform means you can automatically find out about ways to save your organization money. A Snowflake cost management platform monitors and controls your cloud costs in real-time to reduce spend and efficiently optimize resources. This improves your Cost Governance process and raises cost awareness across both engineering and finance teams.

What is Cost Monitoring?

Cost monitoring - tracking and analyzing costs incurred by each user, team, resource type, instance, service and region across cloud environments with the help of AI-powered monitoring tools and algorithms -  is a crucial part of managing your Snowflake account. If you want to spend your credits wisely and have either basic or detailed overview about your usage and spending, you should deploy a solution that will not only monitor your costs but can also make recommendations for corrective actions. 

Why is Cost Monitoring Important?

As the infrastructure complexity of data cloud platforms such as Snowflake continues to rise with increased utilization of services, accounts, users, etc, IT and finance professionals need to shift their focus to visibility, optimization, and consistency in data cloud spend. Additionally, with the evolution of cloud cost management, we see an increasing focus on reducing the time actual humans have to spend discovering issues so that they can spend time fixing them - this is referred to as providing “actionable insights” which the first generation of cloud cost management tools couldn’t do. With insight  into your entire data cloud footprint and recommendations for corrective action, taking control of overflowing costs and achieving governance over your data cloud becomes seamless.

Cost Management Benefits

  • Gain Control - Ensure resources are used efficiently and with guardrails to align cost to value. 
  • Automated Cost-Saving Recommendations - Monitor your data cloud workloads in real-time and find any that are unused, oversized or unnecessary. Bluesky continuously looks for other cost optimization opportunities such as orphaned resources. 
  • Automate Remediation - Insights without actions are daily useless. Bluesky makes it easy to continuously detect and correct workload issues with AI-powered recommendations.  
  • Intelligent Optimizations - Deliver up to a 40% reduction while preserving the same level of performance using AI/ML optimization calculations.