Snowflake Health Consumption Wellness Check

Concerned about those spiky Snowflake bills? Is your boss asking you about doing cost optimizations? We've got you covered! Begin your journey towards healthy Snowflake consumption today.
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Understanding Snowflake Health Consumption Wellness Check in 15 Seconds

Self-Access Snowflake Health Consumption Wellness Check

Bluesky Estimate

Unitiled design
Introducing Bluesky Estimate for Snowflake Health Check, an application that can analyze the usage metadata of your Snowflake account and quickly provide insights on the optimization potential and cost savings of your warehouse, storage, and query configuration.

It takes only a few minutes to set up and only requires read-only access to your account. You can obtain a high-level health assessment report containing recommendations on your total annual costs, estimated annual savings, average warehouse utilization, and average daily queries by conducting a quick health check of your workloads.

Your Comprehensive Wellness Check with Snowflake Doctors

Step-by-Step Guide

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To initiate a Snowflake health check with our experts and earn $100 (or have $100 donated to your preferred charity), either follow our LinkedIn page or complete the form here.

Before the scheduled meeting, you can choose to run the Bluesky Estimate to assess the overall health of your Snowflake usage in your environment and obtain a high-level health assessment report. This will enable us to quickly assess the overall health of your Snowflake usage.

Additionally,  we will show you best practices based on how Notion, Lime, and Coinbase reduced their Snowflake cost by 28% while enabling their engineers to focus on customer-facing projects.


Doing a POC is the most direct way to thoroughly analyze your Snowflake environment and identify specific opportunities for cost savings across warehouse utilization, query performance and workload optimizations.


After this health check, you'll receive a Snowflake health report. This report will give you a concise summary of your overall health check and show you how to optimize your Snowflake workloads.

Start earning more with Bluesky on Snowflake from your initial $100.